Grand River Hospital Foundation

About Care Forward

When you're building a world-class health system, every planned gift makes a difference. Planned giving secures our Hospital's future. When you make a planned gift, you make it possible to provide exceptional, patient-centred care to everyone who comes through the doors of Grand River Hospital, today and in the future.

Care Forward is our community of generous supporters who have made the meaningful decision to leave a gift in their Will or estate plans to ensure exceptional health care for future generations. Their compassionate foresight has a lasting impact on the health of our community and advances health care right here for all of us.

When you become a member of our Care Forward community, you make a difference for the generations to come, helping ensure that Care Never Stops.

Grand River Hospital Foundation

Program Features

When you join Care Forward, you enjoy special benefits that bring you closer to the excellent health care you make possible:

● Welcome package 
● Invitation to our Care Forward Luncheon and Induction Ceremony
● Annual Care Forward newsletter 

Our Care Forward community is incredibly special to our organization, and we want to make sure that our donors know how grateful we are for their gift.

Have you left a gift already?

If you have already included us in your Will, thank you! We would like to know so we can ensure your gift is recognized the way you would like it to be.

For further information or to join our Care Forward community, please reach out to Pam Mulhall, Executive Business Director

Thank you again for your generous support!